Rapides Wildlife Association (RWA) is a non-profit organization established by like-minded volunteers from all walks of life who are dedicated to public education about wildlife, using wildlife management practices, and to protect wildlife habitat in central Louisiana. We are an organization actively seeking out new members to join us in our quest to help conserve our precious wildlife. If you are someone who loves wildlife, then RWA is a perfect fit for you.
Rapides Wildlife Association
was established to be a central Louisiana resource center for people who want to volunteer their time, talent and effort to assisting our wildlife. We work with other non-profit organizations as well as state and federal agencies to protect wildlife habitat and implement wildlife management programs. We have already been very busy working with other organizations to help achieve our goals and will continue to do so in the future.
President- Marty Floyd
Vice-Pres.- Jay Huner
Secretary- Marty Floyd
co-Treas.- Marty Floyd
Board Member- Paul Wallace